Look Ahead
The song Look Ahead, featured as the third video release from the CD Looking Back*, was inspired by the words of Chief Dan George.
* "Supported by Creative BC and the Province of British Columbia” @creativebcs
Live Performance • September 2020
Dalannah performs a virtual concert at 2020 Langley Jazz Festival
Accompanied by Michael Creber ~ Piano Olaf de Shield ~ Guitar Miles Hill ~ Bass Chris Nordquist ~ Drums David Say ~ Sax

What The Hell Is That?
The second video release from the CD Looking Back "Supported by Creative BC and the Province of British Columbia” @creativebcs
The video examines how the musical spirit of protest from the 60's has been packaged and sold back to succeeding generations as the soundtrack of consumerism.
But in the end, concludes that a new generation of youth protest is giving many hope for the future.

Somebody's Watchin' You
The first video from the CD "Looking Back",
"Supported by Creative BC and the Province of British Columbia” @creativebcs

Mamma's Got The Blues
This live clip of Mamma's Got The Blues is from a National Aboriginal Day performance in Winnipeg.